
We are finally meeting in person for the majority of our Programs.  In an effort to streamline the Programs process, we have chosen The Madness Restaurant at 1020 Merrimon Avenue, with its private dining room for our in-person Programs and meetings.

April 23, 2024

Branch Meeting with guest speaker Andrew Jones of the Asheville Watchdog

Andrew Jones spoke with AAUW Asheville members about Mission Hospital and HCA’s serious lack of quality healthcare. Thank you to Andrew and Pat Ashe for organizing this event.

Audio Recording and Slides:

Presentation Slides

Presentation Audio

February 27, 2024

Branch Meeting with a presentation from Dr. Maggie Fehrman, Superintendent of Asheville City Schools

We had the opportunity to hear from the new Superintendent, Dr. Maggie Fehrman, and to learn something about our Asheville City School system and the challenges they face.

September 17, 2023

Annual Kickoff of the 23-24 year

April 25, 2023

Femicide Program

Watch recording

Password: bA6@?!g6

April 18, 2023

Lunch bunch get together

March 30, 2023

Greg Borom and Jessie Metcalf of Children First spoke about early childhood daycare and education advocacy.



March 27, 2023

Current Events SIG event


January 24, 2023

January AAUW meeting


 December 8, 2022

Holiday Get-Together at The Madness.


 November 29, 2022

Corinne Duncan of the Buncombe County Board of Elections presents “How Your Vote is Counted and Protected”  in Buncombe County. 11:30 AM at The Madness Restaurant.  1020 Merrimon Avenue. Information will be sent as we get closer to the date.


 October 25, 2022

Jan Goodwin, The Price of Honor author, speaking about the lives of the women in the Middle East. 11:30 am. Virtual presentation from New York. We are meeting at The Madness at 1020 Merrimon for this presentation or you may access via Zoom. An email will be sent with further information.


 September 28, 2022

Vote 411. Presented by Suzanne Fisher, AAUW Member and League of Women Voters Executive, to discuss the 2022 Vote. 6 PM via Zoom.  Please call Wendy Owen 917-890-4562, to RSVP for the Zoom link.


 September 20, 2022

The Labyrinth, presented by Johanna Manasse, at 11:00 am. Bring your own lunch and a chair. This is the official first program of our calendar year with an orientation of focusing inward, relieving stress and finding the still center. Location: 220 Forest Knoll Court in Weaverville. Please call LaDean Peterson to reserve your space. 828-279-2797 or email at