Giving to the GEM (Gaining Educational Momentum) Fund

The GEM Fund is supported entirely by contributions or funds earned on investments from prior contributions.  We accept many types of donations, including cash, stock, insurance policies, and legacy gifts.  Donors may specify whether they want their contributions to go to the active scholarship fund, which funds scholarships for the coming school year, and/or to the permanent endowment fund, which ensures that money for scholarships will be available for future years.  All undesignated contributions are split evenly between the active and endowment funds.

The Beatrice Rice Wells Legacy Society is comprised of a special group of donors who have graciously designated a contribution to the GEM Fund in their wills.  Providing a donation to GEM in your will is an especially powerful way to support GEM and our GEM scholars, a gift that truly does keep on giving.  For more information, contact Millie Massey at

GEM Tribute Gifts. These popular, tax-deductible gifts may be given to honor a living person or pet on a special occasion, e.g. birthday, anniversary, graduation, or holiday. A member might suggest that family and friends contribute to GEM in lieu of giving a material gift. Memorial gifts are contributions in memory of a deceased person or pet, either at the time of her or his death or on some other special occasion.  All tribute donations will be acknowledged to the honoree or to the family of the deceased person. In addition, unless the donor requests otherwise, all contributions will be acknowledged in the GEM Chips newsletter.

 Click here to access our donation form.