Special Interest Groups

Currently AAUW Asheville has 7 SIGS with a wide range of subjects (see details below) .  Please contact the individual SIG coordinators if you have questions or want to attend a meeting.   If you have any questions about the overall SIG Program or if you would like to establish a new SIG, please contact Barbara Robinson at baritar16@gmail.com , cell 828.230.7113

Current Events:

A new SIG meeting the 4th Monday of each month from 1:30 PM until 3 PM to discuss current events happening in the USA and their effects on the rest of the world.  All members who are avid news junkies and have a wide range of interests are welcome to join this non-partisan review of the news headlines of the month and how they impact us.  Meeting venues may change so please check the monthly newsletter for timely information. Eve Miller will be our facilitator. For information please contact Barbara Robinson, baritar16@gmail.com or call 828-230-7113.

Film Buds: 

This film discussion group meets  to discuss first-run films; attendance is limited to the first 20 current group members who make a reservation with the group leader, Beth Ellers. Because of the large size of the group, new membership is closed, but note that the Film Fans group discusses the same film and is open to new members; to obtain this month’s film selection, location, and other information, contact Beth Ellers at slark1@att.netParticipants bring pot-luck supper.

Film Fans: 

Film Fans: This film discussion group meets the second THURSDAY of each month from 12-1:30 pm, location TBA. Film is often but not always the same as that discussed by the Monday Film Buds group. Film Fans is open to new members. For the film selection of this month’s meeting or to get more information, contact group leader Beth Johnson at JOHNSON1ea@earthlink.net

International Dining Group: 

The International Dining Group is composed of AAUW members who enjoy sharing great cuisine and conversation, with a dash of history, storytelling and personal experiences. Member may bring one guest. Dinner is potluck, with menu suggestions from the host. Dinners are approximately every other month. For more information, contact Helen McClintock 828 424 8455 or HOMcClintock@gmail.com

Lunch Bunch: 

The Lunch Bunch is an informal gathering for lunch at 11:30 at a different area restaurant each month.  The Lunch Bunch is open to all AAUW members who wish to be added to the reservation list.  Be sure to contact Barbara      Robinson by noon the Monday before at 828.230.7113 or baritar16@gmail.com  to reserve space and get directions to the restaurant.

Tea Time Book Group: 

This book discussion group meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 2 pm at the homes of various members. All are welcome; for this month’s book and location or to obtain more   information, contact group leader  Juanita Spanogle at 258-0096 or jspanogle@aol.com .

Exploring Asheville Art Museum :

The Asheville Art Museum SIG will meet in alternate months resuming in September to tour current specific exhibits with member Barbara Pressman, a knowledgeable docent there.  For information on planned meetings please contact Barbara at barpress718@gmail.com or call her at  954-309-8868.

Share your interests; YOUR S.I.G. idea could be here..


Advocacy & Public Policy:

This committee meets monthly on the second Wednesday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the YWCA. Our guiding purpose is to advance equity for women and girls through public policy by means of education, advocacy, and partnering with other local activist organizations. We select a few issues that are timely, critical, and consistent with AAUW National public policy aims, and currently are: Early Childhood Education, Affordable Healthcare, Equal Rights for Women and “Fair Vote.” AAUW Asheville members receive regular informational updates and “Five-Minute Activist Alerts” from the Advocacy & Public Policy Committee. Contact Linda Stover, lindalstover@gmail.com for more information.

The Membership Committee:

Membership has two basic goals: Recruitment and Retention, by maintaining databases and general membership information, writing newsletter articles and initiating special membership campaigns, and most importantly, making every member feel welcome and an important and integral part of our organization. Contact: Wendy Owen, wendyowen@mac.com

The Program Committee:

The Program Committee is responsible for identifying and implementing impactful, fun, stimulating programs that keep us up-to-date, well-fed, and socially interactive.  AAUW Asheville is a place for smart, empathetic women who want to remain involved and make positive contributions to our community.  If you have an idea for a program, please contact Mary Ellen Lewis, emmyjoellen3@gmail.com, or any member of the Board to discuss your ideas.